Private Grants the Route for Sustaining Chapter Projects
Private Grants the Route for Sustaining Chapter Projects As Covid-19 took hold on the global economy, much of the regular revenue that sustains the chapter projects program at People to People International, as well as the revenue for many of the endowments and corporate giving programs that support PTPI has been significantly reduced or has been redirected to Covid-19 relief, affecting our ability to continue funding many of the very important projects around the globe. Fortunately, some of the chapter projects quickly pivoted into Covid-19 relief work and qualified for private funding. One of those projects is the ‘I Wash My Hands Project’ the Imo State, Nigeria, chapter has been engaged in for several years. The project was initially established as a solution for reducing childhood mortality by improving hygiene practices. “When handwashing facilities are both free of charge and made mandatory by community leaders, health outcomes...